Hoy volvemos a compartir nuestra pasión por los Bundt con nuestras compis de grupo #BundtBakers .Ya sabéis que nos reunimos una vez al mes para honear bundt con un tema en común que elige la anfitriona , este mes de Diciembre ha sido Laura Tabaca The spiced life , quién nos propuso como ingrediente común "La menta " en cualquiera de sus formas .. Unos deliciosos Bundt que vamos a hornear hoy y que podéis ver todos en nuestro tablero de Pinterest
He elegido el Peppermint como mi manera de utilizar la menta , porque es de sabor más suave , y si lo unimos al chocolate ...l a mezcla te encantará . Y ya sabes si eres un loco de los Bundt te animo a unirte a nuestro grupo , mándale un correo a Stacy con la URL de tu blog a esta dirección foodlustpeoplelove@gmail.com P

Today we have a new event with #Bundtbakers . Is a group of bundt loving bakers who get together once a moth to bake bundts with a common ingredients or theme . We turns hosting each month and choosing theme or ingrediennt . This month's theme is mint of any kind in any form. Our creative host is Laura Tabaca of The spiced life . I used Peppermint for their smooth taste and the result is a fantastic Pepperminti BundtCake .. Are you ready to taste it? J

If you are food blogger and would like to join us , just send a email with your URL to foodlustpeople@gmail.com. All recipes and photographs can be found on our individuals blogs , on our Pinterest Board , and the #BundtBakers Homepage .
Echa un vistazo al resto de compis #BundtBakers y verás cuántas cosas ricas horneamos con la menta . Don't forget to take a peek at what other talented #BundtBakers have baked this month.
- Mint Chocolate Truffle Bundt from Food Lust People Love
- Creme de menthe butter bundt from Jane's Adventures in Dinner
- Double Mint Mountain Bundt Cake from Baking in Pyjamas
- Bundt cake with chocolate glaze and mint frosting from La cocina de Aisha
- Chocolate Peppermint Bundt Cake from Making Miracles
- Peppermint Cappuccino Cake from Magnolia Days
- Mini Minty Bundt Cakes from Brunch with Joy
- Candy Cane Bundt from Sew You Think You Can Cook
- Fudgy Peppermint Bundt from A Day in the LIfe on the Farm
- Dark Chocolate Peppermint Bundt Cake from Adventures In All Things Food
- Chocolate bundt cake with peppermint dark chocolate ganache from Brooklyn Homemaker
- Candy Cane Chocolate Bundt Cake from Cassie's Kitchen
- Chocolate Mint Bundt Cake from Box of Stolen Socks
- Double Chocolate and Mint Cheesecake Bundt Cake from Un Mordisco Un Pecado
- Peppermint Mocha Pound Cake Bundt from DessertStalking Blog
- Peppermint Candy Cane Bundt Cake from I love Bundt Cakes
- Candy Cane Dark Chocolate Bundt Cake from Patty's Cake
- Candy Cane Bundt Cake w/a Chocolate Ganache Drizzle from The Freshman Cook
- Peppermint Whipped Cream Pound Cake with Shaved Mint Chocolate from The Spiced Life
- Peppermint Patty Bundt Cake from Eat, Drink, Be Mighty
- Peppermint Candy Bundt from Tea and Scones
- Mint Tea Mini Bundts from Passion Kneaded
- Candy Cane Cup Bundt Cake from From Gate to Plate
- Orange and Mint Bundt bread from A Kingdom For a Cake

Scroll down for recipe in english H

>>> Bizcocho <<<
250 gr de mantequilla a temperatura ambiente
1/2 cucharadita de bicarbonato sódico.
250 gr de azúcar.
360 gr de harina
4 huevos L
1 pizca de sal
240 ml de buttermilk
1 cucharada de cacao en polvo
150 gr de chocolate peppermint
200 gr de chocolate postres +80% cacao
>>> Glaseado <<<
50 gr de chocolate Peppermint
50 gr de nata + 35% materia grasa .
>>> Decoración <<<
Cristales de azúcar verde

- Precalentar el horno a 180ºC
- Tamizar la harina , la levadura , el bicarbonato, el cacao y la sal . Reservar .
- Engrasamos el molde con mantequilla o con spray desmoldante
- Batimos la mantequilla con el azúcar hasta conseguir que la mezcla haya blanqueado y esté cremosa.
- Añadimos el chocolate negro derretido y el chocolate peppermint
- Añadir uno a uno los huevos y batir velocidad media. NO agregrar el siguiente hasta que el anterior no quede totalmente integrado.
- Añadir la mitad de los ingredientes tamizados y batir hasta que se incorporen totalmente.
- Agregar el buttermilk de una sola vez, cuando esté incorporado añadimos el resto de ingredientes tamizados.
- Volcamos en nuestro molde engrasado , repartir uniformemente y alisar la superficie con una espátula.
- Hornearemos entre 45 y 55 minutos o hasta que el cake tester salga limpio.
- Una vez horneado dejaremos enfriar dentro de su molde unos 10 minutos , pasado este tiempo lo desmoldamos y dejamos sobre una rejilla hasta que se enfríe correctamente.
- Mientras preparamos el glaseado de chocolate
- Ponemos en un cazo la nata a calentar y antes de romper a hervir retiramos del fuego.
- Añadimos el chocolate peppermint en trocitos y removemos hasta que se disuelva.
- Vertemos sobre nuestro bundt frío y decoramos con los cristales de azúcar verde.

>>> Ingredients <<<
>>> For the cake <<<
250 gr de butter at room temperature.
1/2 tsbp baking soda
250 gr of sugar
360 gr wheat flour
4 eggs L
1 pinch of salt
240 ml of buttermilk
1 tsp of cocoa powder
100 gr de peppermint chocolate
200 gr of black chocolate {+ 80 % cocoa}
>>> For the Glazed <<<
50 gr of Peppermint Chocolate
50 ml Whipping Cream
>>> For the Garnishing <<<
50 gr of green sugar crystals
>>> Directions <<<
- Preheat oven to 180ºC
- Sift the flour, baking powder, baking soda, cocoa and salt.Reserve
- Greased pan with butter
- Beat butter with sugar until the mixture is creamy.
- Add the melted chocolate and black chocolate peppermint
- Add eggs one at a medium speed and beat. Don't add the next until the previous not totally integrated.
- Add half the sifted ingredients and beat until it is completely incorporated.
- Add the buttermilk at once, if incorporated, add the remaining sifted ingredients
- We pour our greased pan, evenly distributed and smooth the surface.
- Bake 45 to 55 minutes or until cake tester that comes out clean.
- Once baked let cool in its pan about 10 minutes, after which time it unmold on a wire rack and leave to cool properly
- .As we prepare chocolate glaze
- Put the cream in a saucepan and before heating to boil remove from heat.
- Add the peppermint chocolate chips and stir until dissolved.
- Pour about our bundt cold and garnish with green sugar crystals

It's perfect for the Holiday Time
Besos mil !! ♥♥♥

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