Pan de Calabaza y Romero #Breadbakers
Hoy toca cita nueva con los #Breadbakers , un grupo al que nos gusta hornear pan y masas , nos unimos una vez al mes para hornear pan . Cada mes hay un anfitrión que elige el tema central de nuestro pan . Este mes de Noviembre ha sido Holly de A Baker's House quién propuso hornear pan para el #Thanksgivingday .: Yo he elegido hacer un delicioso pan de calabaza y romero . Perfecto para almorzar o para un rico desayuno J
El grupo ha horneado unos panes deliciosos , podéis verlos todos en el tablero de Pinterest o en la página principal donde cada mes se actualiza el reto de los Breadbakers y podréis ver todas las maravillosas recetas.
Si eres food blogger y te gustaría unirte a nosotros y hornear pan ,puedes enviar un e-mail con la URL de tu blog a

Today we have a new event with #Breadbakers ..Is a group of bread loving bakers who get together once a month to bake bread with a common ingredient or theme. We take turns hosting each month and choosing the theme/ingredient. This November has been Holly from A baker's house who proposed baking bread for #Thanksgivingday
I chose to make a delicious pumpkin bread and rosemary. Perfect for lunch or a breakfast
The group has baked delicious bread,follow our Pinterest board right here. Links are also updated each month on this home page.
If you are a food blogger and would like to join us, just send Stacy an email with your blog URL to
Echa un vistazo al resto de #Breadbakers de este mes ; Check out what the rest of the #Breadbakers this month.
- Brown Butter Sage Biscuits by Sophia at Sweet Cinnamon & Honey
- Butterflake Rolls by Anshie at Spice Roots
- Buttermilk Rolls by Renee at Magnolia Days
- Cast Iron Parker House Rolls by Veronica at My Catholic Kitchen
- Cheese & Mustard Pull Apart Bread by Laura at Baking in Pyjamas
- Classic Anise Dinner Rolls by Kathya at Basic N Delicious
- Crusty French Bread Rolls by Robin at A Shaggy Dough Story
- Gruyère Gougères by Nicole at The 2nd 35 Years
- No Knead Dinner Rolls by Heather at Hezzi-D's Books and Cooks
- Parker House Rolls by Tara at Noshing With The Nolands
- Parmesan Garlic Knots by Lauren at From Gate to Plate
- Pumpkin and Rosemary Bread by Rocío at kids&chic
- Pumpkin Pani Popo by Kelly at Passion Kneaded
- Pumpkin, Sage & Cheddar Pull Apart Rolls by Mireille at Chef Mireille's East West Realm
- Overnight Rosemary Rolls by Holly at A Baker’s House
- Soft and Tender Dinner Rolls by Stacy at Food Lust People Love
- Sourdough Cornbread Rolls with Sage by Karen at Karen's Kitchen Stories
- Sweet Potato Rolls by Cindy at Cindy's Recipes and Writings
- Tomato Herb Loaves by Camilla at Culinary Adventures with Camilla
- Zopf - Braided Swiss Milk Bread by Carola at En la Cocina de Caro

Scroll down for recipe in English!!! H
>>>>> Receta adaptada de Sweet&Gift by Marietta <<<<<

- 150 de harina de fuerza
- 10 gr de levadura de panadero o levadura fresca.
- 200 gr de puré de calabaza
- 30 gr de manteca.
- 75 ml de leche templada.
- 50 gr de azúcar.
- 1 pizca de sal.
- 1 cucharada de romero { 1 tsp }.

- Calentar la leche junto con el azúcar y el romero . Dejar infusionar unos minutos .
- Incorporamos los 10 gr de levadura fresca .Reservar y colar.
- Tamizar la harina , la sal y mezclar.
- Batir el puré de calabaza junto a la manteca derretida y la leche colada .
- Incorporar la harina hasta conseguir una mezcla homogénea.
- Comenzar a amasar sobre una superficie ligeramente enharinada.
- Incorporar harina a la masa en la medida que lo necesite .
- Formar una bola y colocar en un recipiente tapado con papel film, dejar en la nevera de 2 a 3 h. Es el primer levado.
- Transcurrido el tiempo del primer levado , haremos bolitas del mismo tamaño , con un cuchillo le damos unos cortes simulando a una calabaza .
- Colocamos en al bandeja del horno y volvemos a dejar levar 1 h más .
- Pincelamos con huevo batido y horneamos 180º de 15-20 minutos.
Y listos para comerselos !! J
- 150 gr bread flour.
- 10 gr of fresh baker's yeast.
- 50 gr of sugar.
- 200g pumpkin puree.
- 30 g of butter.
- 75 ml of warm milk.
- 1 tsp salt.
- 1 tablespoon rosemary.
- Heat the milk with the sugar and rosemary. Let to infuse for a few minutes.
- We added 10 g of fresh yeast. Reserve and strain.
- Sift flour, salt and mix.
- Beat the pumpkin puree with melted butter and milk wash.
- Add the flour until blended.
- Begin to knead on a lightly floured surface.
- Add flour to the dough as long as you need it.
- Form a ball and place in a bowl covered with plastic wrap, leave in the fridge for 2-3 h. It is the first leavening..
- After the first time leavening, do balls of the same size with a knife give some cuts to simulating a pumpkin.
- We put on the baking sheet and let rise back to 1 h.
- Brush with beaten egg and bake 180 degrees for 15-20 minutes.
And ready to eat them !!
I hope you enjoyed this delicious pumpkin and rosemary bread for #Breadbakers. I've enjoyed it a lot making it and eating it at breakfast J
Besos mil !!♡♡♡
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